Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Renewal of Ordination Vows

Today I journeyed to St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle to participate in the annual Renewal of Ordination Vows.

A large number of clergy were there, maybe 150, including some Lutheran clergy. The Lutheran bishop of this area, Wm. Chris Boerger, officiated at the renewal, and our bishop Nedi preached the sermon. Afterward we sat down to a delicious soup lunch in Bloedel Hall.

It was good to see clergy friends and make some new acquaintances. As a always, it's good to sit whle someone else preaches and celebrates the Eucharist, and to receive the bread and wine. The liturgy and music of the cathedral is a blessing.

During the Eucharist, the bishops blessed olive oil to be given to parish churches for baptisms. The oil was carried to the table in huge glass cruets - over a gallon each - and a dark balsamic scented oil was poured into the olive oil. It made beautiful currents boil up in the golden oil. In the prayer of blessing, Bishop Boerger recalled the movement of the Spirit at the creation, and when our bishop blessed the oil, he bent down and blew into each of the containers. Sweet!

A good way to connet with the clergy of our diocese and our Lutheran clergy friends.

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