Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Presiding Bishop preaches to troops

Last Sunday our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, visited Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C., as part of a pastoral visit to American troops and Episcopal chaplains.

In her sermon, she compared Mary to a military person under orders. Here's an excerpt of her sermon about the Annunciation:

"This conversation between Gabriel and Mary is about sharing a vision, the kind of perspective a general might have. The strategy of a strategos, the general who climbs up the hill to survey the battlefield. Gabriel is offering a big picture and asking if Mary will cooperate....

Mary’s first response is, 'sorry, unable, the equipment’s not ready.' And Gabriel responds by saying, 'Doesn’t matter. Elizabeth thought the same thing. And she’s six months into this deployment.'

Mary’s next response is remarkable. She says, 'Here I am, ready to serve.' And then, what’s usually translated as “let it be with me according to your word” actually starts out the same way a command does, 'let it be done.' In Latin, it’s 'fiat.' She claims the authority offered her. She commands, in full cooperation with the one who has asked."

I'm glad our Presiding Bishop sees the importance of visiting our military personnel and I appreciate her willingness to speak the language of the military culture.

You can find the whole sermon here.

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