Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mission statement: Our Values

Tomorrow, November 15, we'll meet to review our mission statement. To prepare for this meeting, I looked at all the comments listed on the blue paper in the narthex and collected all the contributions people have made.

Here are the statements about the things we value about St. Antony's. Tomorrow we'll look at them and see how we can craft them into the mission statement.


Complete this sentence: "You should come to our church because it's a place of _________."

Peace and love

Community, friendly, a place of worship

Welcoming family and spiritual growth

Good people

Warm welcoming, people of faith, acceptancer of unique individuals


Christ centered and caring

Happiness and love

Friendly people, worship. understnading the Bible, togetherness

The welcoming atmosphere

Comfort and spiritual renewal

Joy in worship, laughter, and love for one another

1. Sharing; 2. Lifting up; 3. Spiritual support; 4. Care; 5. Service to God

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