Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Living with integrity

In the Old Testament lesson for next Sunday, the Psalmist says to God, "I have lived with integrity." Integrity seems to be a theme that runs through the readings for next Sunday.

The prophet Jeremiah laments that he has spoken God's word to the people, but he's received only rejection and humiliation in return. In answer, God tells him, "If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall serve as my mouth...for I am with you to save you and deliver you."

God's reply is to encourage Jeremiah to keep his integrity as a man of God and not give in to those who revile him.

In the reading from Romans, Paul writes, "Let love be genuine." There are myriad ways to offer false love or shallow love. But let love have integrity, he says.

In the Gospel, Peter pulls Jesus aside and rebukes him for even thinking about his own death on a cross. Jesus reacts sharply, replying, "Get behind me Satan!" Jesus cannot lose his integrity at this point, but he must be true to his calling from God.

Daily we are tempted to compromise our personal integrity. But the scriptures encourage us to be true to our calling from God.

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