Friday, May 29, 2009

New electrical service to the barn

Today I helped the electrician who's going to put in the electrical service to the barn on St. Antony's property. We need new electrical service because Central Kitsap Food Bank is going to put a walk-in freezer in the northwest corner of the barn as an auxiliary freezer. The Food Bank is only a few blocks away, and they can re-supply their shelves easily from our location.

We discussed the electrical needs of the freezer. The power company will run a line overhead from the existing light pole near our driveway. They'll need to put in a pole near the top of our parking lot, then run the line with 220 volt service to the barn.

We tried in vain to find the electrical panel that feeds service to the barn at present. Of the three panels we looked at, none of them had a wire going to the barn. Maybe someone knows of another panel?

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