Thursday, May 28, 2009

Catholic priest caught in affair, wants to become Episcopalian

Here's an interesting post about a very visible young Catholic priest who has been a popular TV and radio preacher and personality. He wants to join the Episcopal Church after being seen in public places hugging a young woman he fell in love with.

Check it out by clicking on

It's not unusual for a Catholic priest to fall in love and want to transfer into the Episcopal Church. I know several excellent Episcopal priests who came to us this way. But....I have several questions about Fr. Cutie (koo-tee-AY)
  • Is he doing this because he got caught in public, or because he really feels called to the Episcopal Church?
  • Does he assume that the Episcopal Church will embrace him without asking any questions, or is he prepared to go through a lengthy discernment process?
  • Does this say something about the problems with priestly celibacy, or does it simply show us the human side of a priest?
  • How will this change him as a person and as a priest?


  1. I think regardless, it's not up to us to judge his choices or his heart. He's here, he should be welcomed and if he shows his willingness to work towards his newly described goals, we should be supportive. He is human as are we all and stood up to his "mistake".

    And I think this is indicative of an issue the Catholic Church needs to deal with head-on and not just brush it off.

  2. You're right, we shouldn't judge him without knowing his circumstances. Let's hope this experience helps him to find growth and transformation.
