Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bible Study at Vintage Apartments

Vintage Apartments

Yesterday I led my third Bible study at Vintage apartments. We're studying "blessings" in the Bible, starting with the Aaronic blessing in Numbers 6:25-26, looking at the many blessings given in the story of Ruth, and continuing with the blessing of Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3.

We've had 5-8 people join us each time, and we've had some good conversations. As always with a Bible study, I open with a time of sharing and close by asking if anyone needs prayers. The residents of Vintage Apartments are low-to-middle income, and many are single women in their seventies and eighties. Several of them gave them a story like this: "When my husband died, my kids wanted me to move closer to them, and they found this apartment for me. So here I am."

In the story of Ruth, Naomi finds herself widowed and alone. As we read the story, it occurred to me that many of these women are like Naomi. They're isolated in their apartments, grieving the loss of their homes and their friends, and looking for support. I hope that our Bible study will be some comfort.

After the Bible study, I made a sketch of the apartments (above).

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