Saturday, October 22, 2011

The gathering of the tribe

Hi, all!

I just got back from Diocesan Convention, held at the Lynnwood Convention Center in North Seattle. It was a well-run convention, and the business of the Diocese was duly attended to.

The part I like best about Convention is seeing friends from other parishes. Having been involved in the clergy association and various diocesan events, I've made friends throughout the diocese and I always enjoy seeing them.

I think of the diocesan convention as "the gathering of the tribe." In earlier days, Native American tribes were composed of family groups that might separate to travel widely during the year looking for good hunting and fishing. Then in the fall they'd come together for a time of sharing, eating, dancing, and contests of skill. Young people would look for mates, and old friends would remember times past.

That's what it feels like at diocesan convention. Our diocese is a tribe composed of many parishes and groups, and we usually do our ministries separately. But once a year we come together to re-connect and to share with each other.

I'm grateful for our delegates, Bill Demmon and Maggie Scott, and our alternates, Ken Stephens and Tovi Andrews, who took the time to attend convention, and I hope they got a feel for the depth and breadth of our diocese and enjoyed it as much as I did.


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