Saturday, December 4, 2010

Buying new property

At their meeting on Wednesday, the Bishop's Committee voted to make an offer on the property at Half Mile Road and Clear Creek Road.

We've had a substantial parish discussion about this piece of property, and we've provided quite a bit of information to everyone. During the discussion at the BC meeting, we gave some time to listening to reactions from people in the parish. All the members said that people seem favorable about this purchase.

We talked about the November 8 meeting, and what we heard from parishioners at that meeting. Someone said, "I thought the mood of the meeting changed after people heard the facts about the property. It went from reserved and cautious to being positive."

The vote on Wednesday by the BC was unanimous. I think that says a lot for the consensus we've built around this decision. I'm happy with the process we've used to get to this point.

Now we'll see what happens next. I communicated our decision to the property manager of the diocese, and he'll get the wheels turning to make the offer and bring us the response from the Catholic Archdiocese. It'll be interesting to see how all this develops!

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