Monday, November 16, 2009


Tonight we held a meeting to do some brainstorming about fundraising. Eight of us had an energetic discussion about new ideas for fundraising events. We came up with lots of new ideas - a flea market, a Christmas boutique, selling theater tickets, a beer garden, casino night, dessert night, etc.

One statement seemed to have general agreement: "The barn sale has become a burden and doesn't generate energy anymore. It drags us down and it's not worth it."

Surprisingly, the discussion turned more to ideas about parish life events that would be fun to do. We need to have more fun events! We talked about a dessert night, a game night, a New Year's eve party, make a Sunday breakfast, etc. There was a lot of enthusiasm when we talked about these events.

We discussed making lunch for the workers at the Orthopedics clinic and the gas station on the corner.

A novel suggestion came up: Let's announce a "Year of Jubilee" at our church, when we give up all compulsory events and do only things that people want to do. maybe we can tie this in with our 25th anniversary celebration.

We discussed the Greening of the Church on December 19 and thought about how we might make it into a fun event. We'll follow up with another meeting about the greening of the church party. We'll also put up a sheet with a list of fundraising events for people to make a check mark by the event they prefer.

All in all, a good brainstorming session!

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