Yesterday I took my first trip to Seattle to attend a meeting of the Fresh Start program. This is an intiative of the Episcopal church designed to help clergy and congregations manage the transition when a clergyperson first enters a parish.
I enjoyed meeting the other clergy, who are in various stages of transition. There were 14 of us there, and I'm probably the newest to the diocese of this whole group.
We talked about how the move to a new parish happens quickly, but the transition from "before" to "after" takes a long time -- about two years. Everyone in the parish has to figure out how to relate to the new clergy, and the clergyperson has to figure out how to relate to the entire congregation.
So far, I can honestly say the transition has been very positive. Katy and I feel welcomed and we're beginning to learn names and faces. That's a good start!
Glad to see you began writing again! More importantly that things are going well in your new home!