1985, a small group of people had the vision to start a new Episcopal church to
serve the growing Silverdale area. With the help of the Diocese, they bought
the property we now have and chose the name, “St. Antony of Egypt.” I believe
that God was working through them to make them witnesses of the love of Christ
to the people in our area.
still have that vision. We have not lost the inspiration that they had, and we
continue to work to witness to the love of God through our worship, our service
to our community, and our welcome and hospitality. We gather for worship, we grow
in our faith, and we go out to love
and serve the Lord. Gather, grow, and go!
time has passed, it’s become apparent that our current location is not the best
site to build a church, and in the last year we have found a new piece of
property much better suited to our needs. I believe that God has opened the
doors for us to find and purchase this new property, and God is leading us to
develop this new property.
the leading of God requires much listening, silence, and prayer. If we are to
move ahead with our new property, we have to listen carefully and pray
faithfully. There are a lot of decisions to make, and a lot of hard work ahead if
we are to do this, and we can’t do it successfully without God’s help and
hope we’ll be in prayer about our new property so that we act in accordance
with God’s guiding. In our Sunday worship, we’ll be adding a prayer for
guidance, and I hope you’ll add this to your personal prayers. The verse from
Psalm 127:1 seems to be an apt reminder for us: “Unless the Lord builds the
house, their labor is in vain who build it.” Although God will work through us,
it is really God who will build a new church.
offer this prayer for us as we seek God’s help;
and everliving God, you have called us to be your church in this place and
time. As we seek to build a new church building, help us always to remember
that unless you are the builder, we build in vain. Help us to trust in your
providence and grace and to listen for your inspiration, and give us the
resources we need to accomplish this task. Above all, send us your Holy Spirit to
direct and guide us. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.